

Computer graphics engineer in Paris

Posts - Who am I - Skills



vscode logo

How to write a language server

November 23, 2024 by antaalt

Notepad is probably not the best tool for writing code. We use IDE because they provide helpers for us to write code such as syntax highlighting, code completion… And as...

wasi logo by lachlansneff

C++, Rust & WASI

October 17, 2024 by antaalt

Web assembly has gotten more and more popular, with more browser supporting it. But it has some serious limitations, that are mostly due to the execution target which is the...

wasm logo

From native to WASM in Rust

March 21, 2024 by antaalt

Rust is nice, you can write plenty of safe code with it and there is starting to be some really intersting projects such as Bevy for 3D rendering. And what’s...

renderdoc logo

Renderdoc C/C++ API

October 8, 2023 by antaalt

Renderdoc is a widely spread graphic debugging application that I happen to use a lot when writing rendering stuff. NVIDIA Nsight & PIX are the two major alternatives but I...

Who am I ?

Computer graphics engineer

vimeo github linkedin

I am a computer graphic engineer in Paris, passionate by rendering and ray-tracing. I choosed this path to live of my passion for the creation of immersive and creative universe through tools I use in my spare time, such as Blender, drawing and photography ! Curiosity lead me to understand the functionning of these multiple technologies and to participate to the elaboration and use of such technologies by artists.

In parallel, I acquired various skills during my formation. Artistical skills in a first time, during my two-year university diploma in technology and the third year at university, then I could improve my technical and management skills during my three years at ESIEA.

English Resume


Since 2022

Ubisoft (Paris) - Graphic programmer

Working on Beyond Good & Evil 2 as a 3D programmer on various rendering features.


Virtuos (Paris) - Graphic programmer

Working on a video game as a 3D programmer on Unreal Engine 5.


Kubity (Paris) - 3D Software engineer

Working on a 3D rendering engine based on Vulkan for photorealistic rendering accelerated on the GPU.


Tama University (Japan) - Internship in virtual reality laboratory

Working in professor Idehara laboratory on an augmented reality application to immerse himself in a virtual world and share it thanks to Google Tango AR technology.



DUT Multimedia

Two-year university diploma in technology


Licence Multimedia

Three-year university degree (third year only)


ESIEA (Laval campus)

Engineering school of computer science



  • C / C++
  • GNU/Linux

Computer Graphics

  • Vulkan / OpenGL
  • OpenCL
  • Unity


  • HTML5 / CSS3
  • JavaScript


  • Blender 2.80
  • Adobe Photoshop
